الرد على الشبهات


He is the Seal of the Prophets, the leader of the Believers, the Son of Adam, the leader of the Prophets when they meet. He will be granted the praiseworthy  position because of which the first and the last of people will envy him. On the day of resurrection the banner of praise will be in his hand, from his basin the believers will drink. Allah will grant him al-Wasila, which is a rank in Paradise fitting for only one of Allah's servants – the Prophet Muhammad - so that he will intercede for the creatures.  Allah  sent him, out of his mercy, to give to the good tidings and to warn the worlds

Save Souls
التعريف بالإسلام

Save Souls

Save Souls Is Dedicated For Non-Muslims Who Would Like To Understand Islam, Muslims , And The Holy Quran.

التعريف بالإسلام


Ummnia Guidance To Goodness A Brief Introduction to Islam.

Islam House.
مواقع دعوية باللغات

Islam House.

The largest and the most authentic free reference to introduce Islam in the world languages on the internet

Islamic Fiqh
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Islamic Fiqh

All praise be to God, and may He give His blessings to His Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him). To learn about Islam and its teachings and code of conduct, and to undertake the tasks of studying and then teaching it, are all noble pursuits that bring a person closer to God. This is only so when coupled with sincerity and the clear aim of following the guidance provided by the Prophet. The Qur’an urges people to learn and it praises the people who attain a good standard of scholarship. Indeed, the first word of divine revelations to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was ‘Read’. God also promises to grant a higher grade in the life to come to scholars, as He says: ‘God will elevate, by many degrees, those of you who believe and those who have been given knowledge’ (58: 11). Indeed, knowledge is the only thing that God has instructed the Prophet to ask for more of, as He says: ‘Be not in haste with the Qur’an before it has been revealed to you in full, but always say: “My Lord, increase my knowledge”’ (20: 114). The Prophet also urged Muslims to seek knowledge and to gain a better understanding of their faith. He says: ‘When God wants a person to have more of goodness, He enables him to have a better understanding of the faith.’ He has ordered his followers to convey to others what they learn from him: ‘Deliver to others what I tell you, even if it be one verse.’ There are many other statements in the Qur’an and the Sunnah in the same vein.

Guide To Islam
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Guide To Islam

Guide to Islam is an Islamic website following the method of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'a, it is affiliated to Osoul Global Center. We aspire to be a lighthouse to give guidance to the seekers of the truth, and a shady oasis in our modern life which troubles people with plights and evils to distract them from the way of their Creator, the Almighty. Guide to Islam is available in thirteen languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Filipino, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Sinhala, Tamil, Telugu, Oromo, and Hindi. In the future, God willing, we will increase the languages of the site till it covers all languages of the world.

Noor Gallery
مواقع دعوية باللغات

Noor Gallery

Noor International is a specialized center for translating the meanings of the Holy Quran into various languages. We work with a systematic approach and a team of distinguished professionals. Our translations are based on a rigorous scientific methodology that pays attention to all details, consisting of multiple stages. It starts with a single main translator to ensure consistency of style, followed by legal and linguistic reviewers, and a number of experienced arbitrators, with continuous and periodic reviews to ensure the accuracy and safety of the translation from doctrinal, scientific, and linguistic errors. The center also provides translations in various formats and on different electronic platforms to facilitate access to them.

Knowing Allah
مواقع دعوية باللغات

Knowing Allah

We Provide Easy And Simple Means To Realize That Allah Is The Truth. We Work On Facilitating The Path For All Those Who Search For The Reality About The One True God (Allah), Who Deserves To Be Worshiped Alone, Through Presenting The Pure Islamic Creed ['Aqidah] In A Meticulous Easy Way