Prophet Muhammad is mercy from Allah to all mankind. He was sent to teach humanity the concept of mercy even to birds and animals which he forbade the people from harming without a proper reason.
Neighbors have extremely important status in Islam. Islam commands Muslims to show hospitality towards their neighbors.
One of the major achievements of Islamic civilization is architecture which combines technology and art. Islamic architecture is a highly advanced skill.
Universal Message
The universe around you with its wonders, the sun, the moon, stars, mountains, seas, trees, etc., did not come to existence by chance.
A major problem facing mankind today is racism; the developed world can send a man to the moon but cannot eliminate the causes of racism and hatred among communities. Fourteen centuries ago, Islam had wiped them out and established ties of love and brotherhood between Muslims.
In light of the late Coronavirus pandemic, which has heavily caused huge losses among the world population and the global finance, three Islamic practical precautions emerge to the surface proving its functionality during crisis.
Islam urges people to allegorically and realistically construct the global world, seek to create means of provisions and earn living by legitimately working in different fields of professions, such as trade, agriculture and industry.
Good behaviour in Islam
Since the advent of Islam, it has overwhelmingly promoted the concept and the quality of mercy.
In Islam, Women are the twin halves of men. she is the half of the society who raises the other half owing her each aspect of manners, qualities and capabilities they acquisitively maintain.
Studies indicates that Islam had spread through the world very rapidly and continues to do so until now. Thousands of people in many countries embrace Islam, according to several Western sources.