Sunan of Dress and Adornment

Sunan of Dress and Adornment

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1) Starting with the right foot when putting shoes on.

It is Sunnah for a Muslim when putting his shoes on to start with the right foot first, and when taking them off to start with the left foot first.

Abu Hurayrah (ABPWH) narrated that Allāh’s Messenger (PBUH) said,

“When any one of you puts his shoes on, he should begin with the right foot first, and when he takes them off, he should begin with the left foot first, so that the right shoe will be the first to be put on and the last to be taken off.”

(Al-Bukhāriy no. 5856)

Imām Muslim reported the Hadeeth of Abi Hurayrah (ABPWH) in which he narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said,

“One of you should not walk in one sole (i.e. sandal or shoe). He should rather put them both on, or take them both off.”

(Muslim no. 2097)

Thus, three Sunan are mentioned in these two Ahādeeth:

1. Starting with the right foot when putting shoes on.

2. Starting with the left foot when taking shoes off.

3. Either putting both shoes on or taking both off, avoiding walking with only one shoe on, as this is prohibited.

2) Wearing white clothes.

It is Sunnah to wear white clothes.

Ibn ‘Abbāss (ABPWH) narrated, “The Messenger of Allāh (PBUH) said,

‘Wear white clothes, because they are the best of clothes, and use them for shrouding your dead.’.”

(Ahmad no. 2219, Abū Dāwood no. 3878 and At-Tirmidthiy no. 994)

Shaykh Ubn ‘Uthaymeen, may Allāh have mercy on him, said, “White clothes for men include shirts, wraparounds, and pants. However, if one wears another color, there is nothing wrong with that, provided that it is not something that resembles women’s clothes.” (The explanation of Riyādh As-Sāliheen, 2/1087)

3) Using perfume (for men).

Anass (ABPWH) narrated that

the Prophet (PBUH) mentioned that one of the things that have been made dear to him among the pleasures of this world is perfume.

(Ahmad no. 12293 and An-Nasā’iy no. 3940)

Moreover, ‘Ā’ishah, may Allāh be pleased with her, narrated that Allāh’s Messenger (PBUH) extremely disliked that any unpleasant odor should emit from him.” (Al-Bukhāriy no. 6972)

4) It is disliked to refuse a gift of perfume.

Anass Ubn Mālik (ABPWH) reported,

“The Prophet (PBUH) used to not refuse a gift of perfume.”

(Al-Bukhāriy no. 2582)

5) Starting with the right side when combing the hair.

This is proven by the following Hadeeth:

‘Ā’ishah, may Allāh be pleased with her, narrated,

“Allāh’s Messenger (PBUH) used to like starting with the right side when putting his shoes on, combing his hair, purifying himself, and in all of his affairs.”

(Al-Bukhāriy no. 168, Muslim no. 268)