A balanced personality

A balanced personality


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Prophet Muhammad had a perfectly balanced personality. He was patient, truthful, and magnanimous . 

He presented the highest example of human nobility. he disciplined himself by staying aloof from quarrels and quibbles. He never engaged in foul utterances or abuse. Even before Prophethood, he was called As-sadiq Al-amin (the Truthful and Trustworthy). he had every opportunity to live a comfortable life and even become the King of Arabia. But, he refused all this for the sake of establishing the new world order of Islam in pursuit of truth. Time occupies an important place in the teachings of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be upon Him). The companions (May Allah be pleased with them) were taught in the school of the Prophet. They used to divide their time in the following way:

1- A portion for Worshipping Almighty Allah.

2- A portion for self-examination.

3- A portion for reflection over the mysteries of creation.

4- A portion for eating, drinking, and enjoying social life.