A slave to Allah

A slave to Allah


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His son Ibrahim died in the 10th year of hijrah (632 ce) when he was still one year and a half. The Prophet wept the death of his son. In his deepest grief, he uttered these words:

"Allah knows, Ibrahim, how far we feel sorrowful foryour departure. The eyes tear and the heart grieves, but we will say nothing except what pleases Allah."


The death of Ibrahim coincided with a solar eclipse. 

People from ancient times believed that solar and lunar eclipses might be caused by the death of some important person. The people of Madinah began attributing the eclipse to the death of the Prophet's son, ibrahim. Greatly displeased by  this, the prophet (Peace and Blessings Be upon Him) gathered the people and addressed them, saying:

"Eclipses of the sun and the moon are not caused by the death of any human being; they are two of Allah's signs. When you see the eclipse, you should show gratefulness to Almighty Allah and offer prayer to Him."

(Narrated al-Bukhari)