his companions
Whoever looks into the history of great men and leaders, during a victory after a lost battle, will find one common trait among them all, except for prophets, which is revenge.
Messenger Muhammad had given a superb example for the nobleness of the victorious. Despite being exiled from Makkah, his possessions being confiscated and being hurt badly by its people at the beginning of his prophecy, upon entering Makkah overwhelmingly victorious, his great personality and generosity would not give room for revenge. He had forgiven all those who have oppressed him despite being fully able to fulfill severe vengeance on them.
He told them: "You can go for you are free" In such a way Islam had raised Muhammad and his companions on such refined manners, free from the shackles of selfness and selfishness. For the quran says:
"Take what is given freely, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the ignorant"